
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We cook, too! Sometimes.

I am just like you, very busy.  I mean, I have to watch last night's tv on dvr.  I have to catch up on facebook with 450 of my closest friends.  I have to read some blogs.  I have to read a little bit of news.  I have to phone a friend or two.  I have a billion projects that need to be prioritized.  I have lists to make.  Lists to remake.

Oh, and I have the kids.  And the hubby.  And the dogs.  And the house.

So, as you can see... I AM just like you.

How do I stay sane with all these things on my plate, and still have time to make home cooked meals?


Call it what you might (once a month, saturday suppers, etc), prepping some of your work beforehand is NOT cheating!

Today was beef day.  I bought 7lbs of ground beef this week (I usually wait until I see it on sale or whatnot).  I took half of it and browned it with onions and garlic.  I used about 1/4 of it and made meatballs (baked at 375 for about 20 minutes).  And the rest was made into hamburger patties (grilled).

I ended up with 2 sets of burgers.  5 bags of meatballs.  And 4 packages of recipe ready ground beef.

Won't the beef taste like frozen beef?  Thaw the beef.  And then simmer it in whatever sauce you are using. (The burgers are already cooked, I highly recommend wrapping them in foil and baking when using)

For example:

Easy tacos--one package of ground beef and one can of RoTel.  Simmer (on a very low heat) for a few hours.  That's it!!!  (you can add a bit of taco seasoning if you would like.)

Easy spaghetti:  one package of ground beef (or meatballs) and one jar of your favorite pasta sauce.  Simmer for a few hours.  Serve with favorite pasta.

Meatball subs: one package of meatballs and one jar sauce...  Simmer.  Put on your favorite roll, sprinkle with mozza cheese, throw in toaster oven or regular oven until cheese is melted.

Hope this helps you in some small way!!


(Notes on freezing:  if you are new to pre-cooking and freezing--it is very important that you let the meat cool completely before freezing.  I usually put it in the frig overnight and then throw it in the deep freezer.)


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