
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Weather

Well, we finally had some nice weather. Beautiful, sunny weather. We had to get out for the day. So, you know what we did, we went and walked around a store. Why? I don't really know. It seemed like an ok thing to do with 3 children just before nap time. I mean doesn't that scream fun to you?
Kids and stores don't really mix for me. I'm torn. I really would love to be the mother that can take all three kids grocery shopping only to have them follow me like little ducklings and quietly observe others through each aisle. And I'm not fantasizing, either. These people exist. I see them all the time and can't help but think they might just spend the 30 minutes leading up to the trip beating their children into submission and threatening to kill puppies if they are out of line, because that is what it would take for my kids to behave. Oh, who am I kidding, they would still act up. But on the other hand, I also appreciate the fact that my children are annoying. To everyone. (Besides when they are with a sitter, then they "were perfect angels", but this is of course before they get paid so maybe...)
I almost think I'm doing a disservice to them by setting this unattainable goal of being good in the store only to yell at them and threaten every step of the way. It's like setting them up for failure. SO where is the line? Is it a certain age? A certain store? A certain time of day? Do the planets have to be aligned?
Maybe your feedback will help. Maybe I'm missing the big picture. Or maybe I'm crazy for thinking my rugrats will ever be appropriate enough for public places.


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